How limitless it is to wish. We are bound only by our own imaginations -
the copious amounts of flying unicorns are testament to this! Oh but
there are rules, too. Don't tell your wish or it won't come true. Cross
your fingers, close your eyes. Blow your candles, your dandelion, your
eyelash and your wish will have wings. Make your wish on the very first
star. A wish can certainly be meaningful - a wish for world peace; for
no hunger in the world. A wish can be desperate and if overheard, heart
wrenching. A wish can be the foundation for inner direction. It may
form the basis of a prayer, a chant or a group meditation, or the
starting point from which real learning experiences may arise. We are
even sometimes warned "be careful what you wish for".
A creative activity to encourage 'imaginitis': create a wishing time in
the day where all wishes can be heard and shared without risk; where
drawing or writing or wishing tales can represent even the wildest of
dreams. A wishing box, a wishing tree, a wishing pillow, a wishing
bubble blower could play host or carrier. Be warned - glitter may be
required! During this special time, the wishes may be used to start an
imaginary game or a joint piece of art. Unicorns and chocolate baths
may fill pages of a wish journal, or be the stars or setting of a play.
Be available to the mystical and sensitive to the pleas. Respond in awe
or praise or gratitude, for the sharing of a wish is a big deal! "What
an amazing wish! Thank you for telling me!" "Did you think of that
wish all by yourself?" Be constantly mindful of enabling the wish for
wish-sake. And never promise what can't or won't be delivered. Believe me! :)