Relax Kids in Chakras

To see The Relax Kids method explained in chakras, read on and be inspired.  It really is as holistic as it sounds.  For the older child and adults, this provides more focus and purpose behind each step.  The young child will no doubt appreciate the affiliation of colours with each step.  Currently I go through the visuals before we start so the expectations are being laid out, and the children can appreciate tangible success as each step is experienced.  Associating colours at each step will heighten this awareness and I intend to draw upon it from now on!  Anyone who used to attend my yoga classes in Dublin will recall the beautiful meditation that enabled us to walk through, taste, imagine, feel the colours associated with the chakras.  I love this:
1 Warm up & Movement DANCE -
 Red: Root Chakra Courage, Strength, Stability    
2 Fun/Relaxation Games PLAY -
Orange:  Energy Chakra Creativity, Vitality, Joy, Fun, Stimulation
3 Stretching / Yoga Asanas STRETCH -
Yellow:  Solar Plexus Chakra Confidence, Balance, Personal power
4 Massage FEEL -
Green:  Heart Chakra Love, Giving, Sharing, Emotions, Harmony
5 Breathing BREATHE -
Blue:  Throat Chakra Peaceful, Communication, Healing
6 Affirmation / Positive Self-talk BELIEVE -
Indigo:  Third Eye Chakra Imagination and
7 Visualisation RELAX -
Violet:  Crown Chakra Intuition, Deep Peace,
Mental Strength, Inspiration, Imagination